Collecting Car Models – Hobby Or Business?


For some people, the love of cars is not limited to buying a personal vehicle. In this regard, they begin to study the history of various brands, learn exciting details about old and new models, and engage in collecting. The latter activity becomes the main passion of such people’s lives and their full-fledged hobby. Some collectors transform their favorite activity into a profitable business in parallel with them. They devise different ways to earn money and often achieve serious success. Considering the above, we decided to figure out whether collecting car models is an exciting hobby or a full-fledged business.

Collecting As A Hobby

If you survey car model collectors, most respondents will answer that this activity is their favorite hobby. This is easily explained by the fact that in this status, collecting gives many privileges that people enjoy. The main ones are the pleasure of acquiring another model, the opportunity to occupy yourself in your free time, and ample opportunities to find new friends and acquaintances with identical interests.

Enjoyment From The Process

Those for whom collecting car models is their main hobby get absolute pleasure from everything related to their favorite activity. They, like children, are happy to buy a new model, regardless of how much money they spend on it; they look at every detail with great interest and spend many hours studying the history of cars and the biographies of their creators. All this gives positive emotions and helps a person cope with various stressful situations, which are always many in our daily lives. Getting pleasure from collecting, a person learns all the features of this process and becomes a real professional. This helps him develop a hobby to which he can devote his whole life.

Opportunity To Fill Free Time

Most often, collectors of model cars are successful and wealthy people. Due to this, they have much free time, which they can successfully use to fulfill their favorite hobby. They spend many hours every day searching for new items for their collection, browsing auto salvage in Moncton and other cities in North America in the hope of finding something interesting, negotiating the purchase of the models they like, and doing many other similar things. Collectors of model cars spend no less time maintaining their collection in perfect condition.

All listed activities bring pleasure to a real collector and help to switch off from everyday problems for a while. Also, a favorite hobby gives a person a feeling of constant employment and the joy of doing something meaningful, not just wasting precious time sitting at the computer or TV.

Communication With Like-Minded People

Friends, acquaintances and relatives do not always share a person’s passion for cars. In this regard, one of the most essential advantages, due to which collecting model vehicles is often used as a hobby, is the opportunity to constantly communicate with like-minded people. Telling each other about the models of interest, discussing options for buying another copy for the collection and simply talking about cars, a person makes up for the lack of communication with people who are well-versed in the topics of interest to him.


To find like-minded people, collectors often join various clubs and communities. There, they regularly communicate with people for whom collecting model cars is their main hobby. This allows them to make new acquaintances and find friends. For the same reason, collectors visit various online forums, exhibitions of collectible models, presentations, auctions and other similar events.

Collecting As A Business

People who know how to organize a business can earn money on everything, even by collecting car models. For some, this activity becomes a lifelong pursuit. It helps satisfy interest in various vehicles and generates a consistently high income. However, to become a successful businessman, you must put in much effort and time.

Investment in The Future

Collecting car models can be a good investment and bring high income in the future. The fact is that some models, especially rare or rare ones, grow in price every year and after 5-10 years, they can be sold for much more than now. At the same time, this way of earning money is associated with certain risks. Therefore, before organizing a business, you must study the collectible model market in detail and identify its main trends.

Collectors who want to build a business on the purchase and subsequent resale of car models must carefully plan their actions and be prepared for a long wait for potential profit. This approach will help them make the right decisions when the cost of collectible models fluctuates periodically.

Sale of Collectible Models

Any collector who wants to turn their hobby into a full-fledged business should try selling individual copies of their collection. These should be chosen depending on the demand and cost of a particular model at auctions. Prices can vary widely, so learning how to select the proper priority options is necessary.


You need to buy new cars in parallel with selling models from your collection. This can be done with the proceeds, eliminating the need to spend additional money. You should look for models suitable for further sale at online auctions, special exhibitions and other similar events. This option will allow you to save money and get a precious collectible car.

Customization And Restoration Of Collectible Models

Collecting can become a profitable business if you learn how to customize existing car models according to the requirements of a potential buyer. In this case, it will be possible to maximize the selling price of some rarity, even if it initially had a standard appearance and was relatively inexpensive. This option for making a profit requires a minimum of costs, which means that the chances of success for the business will be pretty high.

Collectors often come across unique car models in deplorable condition, so their owners sell valuable rarities for very little money. Buying it and restoring it to perfect condition can increase the cost many times. At the same time, the financial costs of carrying out restoration work will be much lower than the selling price of the model. Organizing such a business will allow collectors to do what they love constantly and have a consistently high income (rare car models in good condition are always costly).

Collecting car models is a universal activity that can be considered both a hobby and a business. There is no single correct answer to this question, as everything depends solely on one’s approach to the matter and the goals that one wants to achieve. In any case, each collector should quickly determine the status of his favorite activity and develop it in the chosen direction.